Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Use Social Media to Build Relationships & Increase Sales

How to Use Social Media to Build Relationships & Increase Sales

It's not uncommon for people to approach me and ask how they can get more targeted followers to their social networks. Before I give them an answer, I always ask why they want more targeted followers. 100% of the time, their answer is to increase sales. They think Facebook & Twitter are the new and happening places to find customers who will whip out their wallets and buy, buy, buy! While, in rare cases that is possible, but 99% of the time that's not the case. Social Media is about, well, being social. But more importantly it's about building relationships.

Build Relationships to Increase Sales with Social Media

As cliché as it may sound, people buy from people whom they know, like and trust. So, in essence, the question that really needs to be asked is: How do I Interact on Social Networks to build relationships, and eventually increase sales? There are over 101 ways to get followers, but what are you supposed to do with those followers once you get them? This is where a lot of my prospects get stuck, but this is where I come in to help them. So, if you are looking to increase sales through your social media efforts, you have to start with the basics first. Here are 3 simple strategies that you can implement today to help you get closer to your goal of increased sales.

· Engage- The word "engage" is thrown around a lot in the social media world, but what exactly does engage mean? Simply put, engagement is a way of interacting with your fans and followers to keep them intrigued by your message. Engagement can be asking questions, hosting contests, commenting on posts, posting tips, sharing valuable information. In a nutshell, engagement is about creating conversations with your target audience. However, you want to be at a level of engagement where your prospects and clients become your advocates and share everything you do or say with their own audience on the social networks.

· Offer Value- When it comes to providing value, people are on social networks to interact with their family and friends. However, that is slowly changing; many business owners are realizing the marketing potential that these social networks have to offer. The goal should not be to sell, but to offer value. There are many ways you can do this on Facebook, Twitter, and many other Social Networking sites. Here are some things you can do to offer value:

ü Give away a Free Gift ( Free Report, Audio CD, Free Consultation )

ü Answer Questions that people are asking

ü Introduce people in your network that can help each other

· Sharing is Caring - Social networks has made it easy to share content that is informative and can be distributed quickly through the internet. There are many ways that you can share valuable content on these networks. Depending on the nature of your business, you can share articles, recipes, videos, and the list can go on. People will start to look at you as a great resource to helping them get information easily and effortlessly. Also, once you start sharing other people's content, they will start noticing and sharing yours as well. It's called the gift of reciprocity, and it never fails.

Social Media is not difficult; it's about building rapport and connection with your desired audience. If you really want to win in the social media space, follow the 3 strategies listed in this article and watch your network increase as well as your sales.

Lewis Writing Solutions, 2626 S. Rainbow Blvd. Suite 105 Las Vegas, Nevada 89146

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A broken leg won't slow me down!


conducting today's class from my bed. Broke my ankle and can't get around much, but you can't keep a bad girl down!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Archived calls are posted on line

We had a couple great calls on Internet Marketing and Social Media Marketing. The calls have been archived on line, so take a listen, or save to your computer to listen to later!

Internet Marketing 101

Social Media Marketing 101

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shaklee Independent Distributor

What's a Widget?

Today's training class is about widgets - what they are, how to use them and why you would want to use them. Check out the training schedule on My Shaklee!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shaklee Independent Distributor

Generic Lead Capture Page

Check out the lead capture page I created. Feel free to copy whatever you want!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Shaklee Independent Distributor


Today I got my new iPad! Thanks, Shaklee! I'll be teaching the iPad at National Conference to show our distributors how to use it to make presentations.

Will keep you posted.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Shaklee Independent Distributor

Are you sharing your content to create more indexed pages?

Shaklee is rolling out a promotion special to go hand in hand with our redesign of the Sports Nutrition line!

Just in time for summer fun and sports activities, the new Shaklee Sports Nutrition products are here! And you and your guests are invited to a special webcast that will help introduce these incredible products and the science behind them.

Dr. Jamie McManus, Shaklee Chair of Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education, will host as Les Wong, Vice President of Health Sciences and Tina Fusser, Senior Executive Coordinator, FL provide an excellent overview of the products - their use, safety, performance and the clinical testing that supports them.

Shaklee Sports Nutrition products are used at the highest levels of competition so you can trust them every time you take them—before, during, and after your workouts. Train longer. Recover faster. Perform better. And don’t worry, these are natural products with no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives. Everything you need. Nothing you don’t. That’s PURE performance.

We look forward to sharing more with you and your guests on the official webcast launch, Wednesday June 8th. Click here to pre-register!

    This webinar will begin at:

  • 5:30 pm Pacific
  • 6:30 pm Mountain
  • 7:30 pm Central
  • 8:30 pm Eastern
  • 9:30 pm Atlantic

Please join us on the webcast!

Thursday, May 5, 2011