Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Twitter and your business!

Do you want to use Twitter effectively to market your business? Here are some simple rules to follow:

1. Don't spam! only 1 or 2 out of 10 tweets should be about your business!
2. Create your online presence - your profile should show a well-rounded person, not a one-noter!
3. Include hyperlinks! Every tweet should link back to a site, whether it's a blog, a pws or an article on which you are commenting!
4. - use it to trim your long URL into something short - that way you have more characters to use in your tweet!
5. Make sure your url is in your profile!
6. Cross promote your tweets to your blog! Cross promote your blog to twitter and facebook!
7. Use KEYWORDS in your tweets - is a great place to figure out how to say what you wanna say!
8. hashtags - use them to categorize your tweets - that makes it easier for folks to find you in twitter! if you don't know what they are GOOGLE it!
9. - search for conversations to join!
10. Make the other 8 or 9 posts out of every ten interesting - post some boudreaux and thibodeaux jokes!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Temporary Hiatus

Sorry kids, but I'm swamped and haven't been able to study, read or do anything but work on the new project. I hope to get back to this by January.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Creating Keyword-Rich Inbound Links

This goes with the previous post and will explain a bit more about inbound links.

Build Keyword Rich Inbound Links

To rank well in search engine results you need to score well on both ‘on the page’ and ‘off the page’ factors. ‘On the page’ factors are about what is on your own pages and therefore within your own control: ‘off the page’ factors are the links from external websites to your own, and these are much more difficult to control.

Most external links will use your domain to link to you, but if you can persuade them to link using keyword rich linking text (sometimes called anchor text), then you’ll get a significant search engine boost.

So while would be pleased with a link like, they would be even more pleased with a link like used books from AbeBooks because the linking text contains one of their important keywords, ‘used books’.

For many website managers and owners, getting an external link of any kind is achievement enough, without having to manage the even more difficult task of persuading an external website to link to you using specific keyword phrases of your choice.

So how do you get keyword rich inbound links?

In an earlier section, we showed you how to choose product and publication names to get such links: and there are other methods that if you persist will bring you many valuable links.

But before we list them, you need to do some preparation:

• Start by choosing 5-10 of your most popular keywords that you’re going to use in your initial link building campaign.
• Now write variations of the links that you’d like to use. For example to create the link used books from AdeBooks, I’d write the following html used books from AdeBooks You’ll want to create a variety of inbound links using different variations of linking text.

There are simple steps you can take to start getting keyword rich links. They include:

(i) Simply show people how you’d like them to link to you. Write the html, make it available and ask people just to copy and paste the code into their own web pages.

(ii) Buy directory links or text ad that allow you to specify the linking text.

(iii) Build contacts and relationships within your industry. Be generous in linking to useful external resources and you’ll find that the people you link to take notice and your generosity will often be rewarded with links back to your own site. If you’ve built a good relationship,
people will be glad to use the linking text you suggest.

(iv) Write newsworthy press releases and use services such as to distribute them. For a small additional fee they will allow you to embed links into the body of your press release.

(v) Write and publish quality articles and blog posts on your own site. Make sure that you include important keywords in the titles of each article or post. People will generally use those titles when they link to you.

(vi) Quality news and information sites in your industry will often accept well-written articles for publication. When they do, they’ll normally publish a signature box describing what you do and linking to your site in whatever way you specify. Link building is a time consuming business but it is essential work if you want to rank well on search engines. Your efforts will be doubly rewarded if you go the extra mile and look for keyword rich inbound links.


How to beat Wikipedia to the top of Google...

How to beat Wikipedia to the top of Google...and CNN, the BBC, USA Today, ABC News... by Mark Nunney, 26 August 2009

With permanent search engine optimization (SEO) you can secure and defend the keywords you are successful for and find new keyword niches to target. Mark Nunney explains why SEO never stops and how you can use this to beat the toughest of competition.

Click the link to read the full article.

Been busy, will try to post often this week.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Don't be afraid to try something could find urself in a bright new world!!!

Just set up tweets and

Just set up tweets and mobile text for my blog!

Social Media Networking

To get results on social media sites you need great content with great headlines that will grab readers’ attention, make them want more and pass on a link to others. You will also need a significant network of friends and contacts or to be very nice to someone who has. Lyndon Antcliff is one such connector and here he gives 17 top tips to help you build your own social media network.

There is no shortcut for building a quality and sizeable network. It takes time. Use the following tips to make sure you make the most of your efforts:

  1. Start with your own blog and make it the focal point of all your social media accounts with links to and from it. Your blog is where you show who you are and that you are a real person. People want to know about the people they do business with, and in a digital world your blog is the best place to show them.

  2. Open accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon, Digg and LinkedIn. On each of these sites, find users who share your interests. There are thousands of social media sites, but start with the biggest.

  3. Make sure people know about your social media accounts. Link to them on your blog, in your email signature and on your newsletters.

  4. Find and join social sites for the specific markets you work in, eg WAYN for travel, Kaboodle for shoppers, Peak Performance for athletes, Sphinn for online marketing, MPORA for extreme sports, etc.

  5. Pick an avatar that stands out. This is the photo or graphic accompanying your accounts and it is how you will be recognized. It is best to have a photograph or a graphic which stands out. If in doubt about what to use, keep it simple.

  6. Make sure you have only one active account per social site. Admins take a dim view of people trying to manipulate their sites and it may get you and your website a ban.

  7. Be open and accessible. Make all your social media accounts known and open to contact, comments and chat.

  8. Be authentic. Don't fake it. Be yourself - you are what is unique and interesting about you.

  9. The easiest way to be popular is to be helpful. Everyone loves someone who will help them at no cost. It also displays your expertise, builds your brand and reputation.

  10. Be polite.

  11. Make friends. This is harder than it sounds when you start out as there is little reason for someone who does not know you to be your friend. The key is to make yourself useful and to avoid being irritating. Searching for people with the same interests as you usually gets good results.

  12. Spend a small amount of time each day on your accounts. Regular contributions over time will work and help you get noticed. The more people see you around, the more you will build trust.

  13. Only present high quality stories to sites like Digg and StumbleUpon. Do not submit your own content initially. Vote on stories that are in your niche. Be seen to be the expert that you are.

  14. Following a power user will not get you noticed as they already have too many followers to care about you. Follow people who are in your niche and have a desire to communicate and network.

  15. Do not pay for votes or use automated processes to inflate your votes artificially, this may get you and your site banned and at best will only bring short term success.

  16. Find interesting stories within your niche before anyone else. Use RSS or Twitter to subscribe to news and specialists sites whose content users of your social sites love. This is how power users got to be who they are.

  17. Be persistent.

I had the most amazing learning experience this past week. I'm trying to put it all into practice. I, who once thought twitter was USELESS, can now see how it can be used to get your message out there! Tying your blog, twitter and facebook sites together, you can drive traffic to your sites by sending out the right types of messages.

Twitter search allows you to find tweets that are compatible with your goals and you can respond to them. Feed your tweets to your facebook or blog and you now have 3 ways of getting people's attention!

Don't be scared, give it a try!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Social Marketing

I'm starting to really love They explain things any normal person can grasp! I received the best article from them today, so I'm posting it. Thanks to Lyndon Antcliff of Wordtracker for this great article!

by Lyndon Antcliff, 8 July 2009

Social media marketing (SMM) on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon and Digg has exploded in the past year. But what exactly is it? And what’s in it for you? And what’s in it for you? Let social media marketing expert and the man behind Magnetic Web Content, Lyndon Antcliff, gently introduce you to the subject and perhaps change your marketing life.

Earlier this year police closed Liverpool St Station in the UK after 13,000 people ‘flash mobbed’ the station, mimicking a TV advert for a phone company by all dancing to music playing on their MP3s. The idea for the flash mob was spread on facebook.

It doesn’t matter if the flash mob idea was planned by professional marketers or happened ‘organically’. The original advert inspired it, people loved it enough to travel across the country to take part, and Facebook allowed it to go viral. Oh, and T-Mobile got a lot of cheap marketing. Everybody was happy (even the policemen were smiling).
How social media works

When a user of a social media website discovers your story and likes it, they have the option to share it with their friends. This can cause the story to 'go viral' and be shared with even more people. This can deliver hundreds of thousands of visitors, launch a website or new product and bring significant [inbound links]. Those inbound links will directly bring your site visits and indirectly help your SEO.

When using social media marketing the quality of your content is crucial, the better it is the more likely it will be passed around. We’ll be talking about how to create such ‘sticky’ content in a future article.

Stunning content will still need a push to get going, the bigger your network on these social media sites the better. Your network can help you give it that initial push, increasing the chance of the story going viral.

Direct marketing will reduce the chances of a piece of web content going viral. People do not want to be sold to, the initial social media marketing push should be more about the conversation than the sale. A more aggresive sales angle can be added later, once the social media push has ended.

Keywords and SEO in social media

Your social media marketing can support your search engine optimization (SEO) by including target keywords in headlines. Then when your story goes viral and other sites use your headline to link back to your site – Bingo! - you get keyword-rich inbound text links.
Smart SEOs love social media.

Keyword research can also be a great way to find ideas for stories that people want to read. One of the points of keyword research is that it shows you what people are searching for. Many is the social media marketer who goes to Wordtracker’s Keyword Question Tool to look for inspiration.

Smart social media marketers love keyword research.

Bigger than TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and books

18-34 year olds now spend 4.3 times more time on social media than with TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and books combined. This is happening because social media allows users to talk to each other (which they prefer to being talked to) and choose for themselves what they see and read. Social media is a many-to-many conversation and not a one-to-many communication.

This conversational aspect of social media is crucial to understanding social media marketing because you can’t fake a conversation and you can’t automate it.

We’ll now have a quick look at four gorillas of the social media jungle – Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and Digg.

Facebook is growing faster than Google ever did

Facebook is the biggest social site with over 250 million users. It took Google ten years to reach 50 million users – something Facebook achieved in just 19 months.
Facebook is the world’s online scrapbook and meeting place in one. Friends, customers, stars, fans, and anyone who crashes the party use Facebook to stay in touch, swap photos, pay homage and talk to each other.

At a recent meeting, a client told me ‘I don’t use email anymore, I only use Facebook’. Everyone she communicates with (including for work) is on Facebook, so why leave?

Facebook is viral by default. For example, if I post and comment on a photo, my ‘friends’ will all see it on their Facebook pages. Then if any of them comment on my photo, then their comment, my photo and my comment will all be seen by their friends. With one post, I can start a conversation with my friends and all my friends’ friends. That’s powerful.

If you have a large network on Facebook and talk about something interesting enough or present a Facebook application (like a game or a quiz) that users like, then it can spread across the internet. This is what happened with the Liverpool St Station flash mob.

You can share your thoughts, ask questions and chat with Wordtrackers on the Wordtracker facebook group.

Twitter might be the ultimate networking site

Twitter is a microblogging site on which each post is no more than 140 characters long. Friends, colleagues, admirers and the interested all ‘follow’ each other and can read each others’ posts.

The result is a collection of thousands of different conversations and mini monologues. This can seem like a mad mess but that chaos is like the hum of chatter at a lively party - narrow your focus and you find that people are amusing each other, helping each other, sharing ideas, making connections and doing business.

A local coffee shop @coffeegroundz in Houston, Texas, used Twitter to double its customers.

If you have something interesting to say then networking on Twitter can help your business. Try Wordtracker’s How to Twitter to get started and follow Wordtracker on Twitter.
StumbleUpon can deliver a steady stream of specialist visitors

Stumbleupon can seem peculiar at first. As a ‘viewer’, you ‘stumble’ via a browser toolbar and are shown seemingly random website pages. But they are selected by an algorithm that considers your tastes and others’ ‘votes’.

For many sites, StumbleUpon is amongst those that bring the most traffic. Below is a report showing referring traffic for a sports injury site and StumbleUpon is the biggest referrer with almost 19,000 visitors:

StumbleUpon works via a toolbar which is used to vote ‘up’ or ‘down’ and categorize web pages whilst browsing. This allows StumbleUpon to both know what you like and show other stumblers content they will probably like. Stumblers can ‘friend’ each other, view and comment on each other’s ‘favourites’ on ‘blog’ pages.

Below is a screen grab of the Stumbleupon toolbar on my browser:

The result of this voting is a ‘wisdom of crowds’ that delivers wonderful web pages to stumblers. This can work for you because Stumblers befriend each other according to their tastes and interests. So whatever your website is about, if you have quality content and a network of friends on StumbleUpon then your site can go viral within a relevant specialist audience and bring thousands of visitors a day.
Please use the link above to read the rest of Lyndon's article.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Optimize Your Press Releases!

Optimize Your Press Releases

When people consume news offline – in newspapers, magazines and broadcast media - their relationship with the material is usually transitory. After the day of publication, a newspaper is thrown in the trash can while a broadcast story can fade from memory very quickly.

But that’s not the case online – and therefore a different approach is needed for online press releases.

Online news stories tend to stay put and they can still generate fresh readers for months or years after their original date of publication. So a consumer thinking about buying your products, groups of users discussing your company, a journalist researching a story or a consultant preparing a report can all find your story at any time. That can bring long
term publicity benefits as well as links from authority sites as a search engine bonus.

But to get those benefits, your story has to be found – and to do that it must contain popular keywords.

The normal rules of press release writing still apply online:

• Make sure your story is newsworthy – if it’s not, don’t send it.
• Keep it brief and to the point, but provide opportunities for follow-up.
• Use quotes from real people in your release – journalists are more likely to use direct quotes
than anything else.
• Use the first paragraph to summarize the whole story.
• Make sure you get your release to journalists who are genuinely interested in your subject

However, when you write an online press release, make sure that in addition to all of the above, you:
• Focus the press release on a primary keyword and make sure you include it in the press release headline, in any quotations and throughout the copy (but don’t overdo it).
• Make sure your summary contains the primary keyword as well as a couple of secondary keywords.
• Keep it even briefer – and link to further resources that journalists can read if they are interested.
• Don’t just use press distribution services to blast your story to thousands of journalists – do research to find a handful of journalists or bloggers who are genuinely interested in your subject area.

Online publicity is still an emerging discipline and the potential for spectacular results is real. Here are some important pointers:
  • Use news channels that exist only online. These are often related to the major search engines and you need to be on them–for example, Google News, Yahoo News and MSN News.
  • Niche information sites publish editorials. As well as recognized news channels there is a huge number of niche information websites that publish editorial material. These range from large general websites to many hundreds of small sites that will be specific
    to your area of business and will be read by a high proportion of your prospects.
  • Journalists use the web for information. Journalists now use the web as a primary source of information. They will use it both to generate story ideas and to research, to check facts and to follow up stories that they are working on.
  • News stories online get an almost instantaneous reaction. Many blogs have built up a strong following, and getting your business covered positively on them can be very beneficial. You need to be aware of reaction and comment and take an active part in the discussions that your press releases generate.
  • Press releases are available to everyone. Your press releases can be found and read by members of the general public. So unlike traditional public relations, issuing a press release can be a way of reaching (and selling to) the public directly.
  • Finally, don’t forget social media sites such as and bookmarking sites such as The links you get from such sites can drive fantastic levels of traffic.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Quick apology

Things have been a little nuts around here, so I haven't had time to study or blog. Here's a bit of info I received from I haven't checked it out or tried it, but until I can, at least you can play with it! Feel free to email me your thoughts and questions - I promise I'll do my homework and report back!

Squeeze Every Bit Of Value From Pay-per-Click

PPC advertising now makes up a substantial share of search marketing spend. Paying for an advert when someone clicks on it reduces the up-front cost associated with traditional advertising and brings a powerful, revenuegenerating machine within the grasp of any size of business.

As with organic search, keywords are at the heart of PPC campaigns but the dynamics are different. Organic search is frequently perceived as free and while there is no payment
to the search engine, there is a very definite cost in creating the content that must accompany each keyword if it is to have any chance of success. Therefore the number of keywords you optimize for is limited by the resources you have to create content around them. And of course, you will not start to see the results until many weeks have elapsed.

On the other hand pay per click is easily controllable and measurable. Success depends on finding the keywords that attract the most click-throughs and the highest return on investment.

• If a keyword doesn't attract traffic, it doesn't cost you money.
• You'll start getting results quickly and can see what works and what doesn't.
• A keyword that isn't working can be discarded instantly.

So a popular strategy for PPC is to start with a large number of keywords and test their performance through the detailed analytics provided by Google AdWords for example.

The higher the number of keywords you start with, the higher your chances of quickly finding the ones that are going to bring you the greatest return on investment. Wordtracker is an ideal tool at this early stage. The database will allow you to identify hundreds if not thousands of relevant keywords with just a few minute’s work.

Many people start their campaigns with just 30 or 40 keywords but according to PPC guru, Perry Marshall, any site needs a minimum of 200 keywords to start with. Of course, the search engines provide their own keyword suggestion tools, but Wordtracker allows you to go further. Here are some important ways:

(i) The ability to suggest related terms and dig into the long tail of search terms is a perfect complement to the search engine's own tools. Many of your less savvy competitors may not use Wordtracker and you will have access to information that they do not have.
(ii) Once you've found profitable keywords in your PPC campaign, you can use Wordtracker to dig deeper and give you similar keywords that are also likely to be profitable.
(iii) For PPC campaigns that are failing to deliver profits, running all the keywords through Wordtracker will help to uncover where the real money terms lie.

There is great synergy between PPC and organic search campaigns. PPC keywords that get high impressions but do not convert well may be ideal candidates for organic optimization. So someone searching on 'digital photography' probably does not want to buy a digital camera immediately and would be a poor PPC target. However, it is probable that in the future they will want to buy – so would be an ideal target for content optimized around 'digital photography' designed to build an opt-in mailing list.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Make the Most of What You Already Have!

We talked about using keywords to optimize your site. Before you go through all that trouble, you should start by looking at your existing content. Can you improve it in any way that will increase search engine traffic? Organizing your web content is the best place to start. You want to be sure that you've used your keywords in the right places.

Start by reviewing your current content and making sure there's some sort of structure. Decide what keywords you want to use and make adjustments so that keywords and related words are put into your content.

Each page on your website has a purpose. What is it? Once you define the purpose of each page, you can then move on to optimizing the page with your chosen keywords.

Next, you'll use keywords in this fashion - broad to specific filter. Chocolate is a broad filter. Truffles is a narrower filter. French truffles is an even narrower filter. You want to make your home page "findable" by people doing a broad search. After that, searchers can narrow down to specific pages, then specific products on your site.

The Home page is the most important page when it comes to an internet search. It tells people who you are and what you do. Home pages get the largest number of 'hits' from searchers, so you want to be sure that you have used your keywords well here. You should find the 3 most important keywords for your homepage and use those. The homepage should have internal keyword-rich links to category pages that are designed for people doing more specific research. Category pages should relate to a single topic. For instance, my fictional website sells chocolate. A category page could be dedicated to truffles and I would use the keywords "chocolate", "truffles" and "gourmet" to drive traffic to that page.

The category pages will then link to specific product pages. The truffles page will then go to French Truffles product to order. Product pages should be optimized for 2 keywords. This will narrow the search terms, as I mentioned above.

I took the next bit from; it's not the ONLY way to optimize your content, but it's one way to start.

Next let's look at optimizing specific pages. Here are the steps to follow:

(i) Decide on the specific subject you're going to write about and the reason why you're going to write it (for example, 'to help people understand' or 'to close a sale'.)

(ii) Pick a primary and a secondary keyword phrase around which you'll optimize your content. For the home page and for category pages, you can add a third phrase.

(iii) Write the title meta tag including at least your primary keyword phrase. Also include your second and third phrases if possible. However, limit the title to around 70 characters so you might just have to use two out of your three chosen phrases.

(iv) Write the description meta tag including all three of the keyword phrases. This should be meaningful and written in good English with a limit of around 200 characters. The description can often double as the summary or first paragraph of your copy.

(v) Now work out the structure of your copy, write keyword rich subheadings that help you organize your material.

(vi) Now write the copy itself. Don't worry too much about keyword density – if you've followed these steps your page will be well optimized. It is much better at this stage to write persuasively for people, not search engines.

Optimizing your existing content is the first step in getting a real business return from your investment in keyword research. Many people stop here and don't realize how profitable using keywords in other ways can be. With this section you've done the basics. In the next class we'll look at the less common uses of keyword research that can give you a real competitive advantage.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Internet Marketing - Day 1

To the internet novice, internet marketing can be overwhelming. Google “internet marketing” and you’ll be bombarded with ads to pay to learn strategies, or join groups or lists and so on. The ones that make me nuts are the ones that say they’ll give you FREE TRAINING, but you go to the site and you have to pay to find out about their free training. Then you enter your name and email and the next thing you know you’re getting bombarded with emails from everybody and their brother – when all you wanted to was to LEARN about internet marketing! I especially love those vague “here’s how you do internet marketing” videos where they tell you to – and I quote – Get a site, and place ads somewhere. REALLY? THAT is a class in internet marketing? (Where’s that rolly-eyed dude when you need one!)

Enough already! How about some simple step-by-step instructions of what you can do to drive traffic to your site? Sound good? Let’s go!

This blog is going to move slow and define things that you may be unfamiliar with. You can’t learn internet marketing in a day and you can’t learn internet marketing from a single article. And I have a day job, so I only have so much time to write this stuff! Ok?

Whatever it is that you do on line, you have a website and you want traffic to go to it. Do not fall for any of these “get rich overnight” promises…you will have to work! Do not pay for a Google Adwords account until you know what you’re doing and have a marketing budget! If you are just getting started, then you should constantly be using one of my favorite four-letter “f” words….FREE. There are plenty of free tools out there so use those to learn how to do this without breaking the bank.

How do search engines find websites?

Search engines use keywords to decide which web pages to show on a results page. Whenever someone goes to a search engine (like Google) and searches for something, the words they use to search with are called keywords. It’s very important to choose the right set of keywords to drive traffic to your website. The good thing is that you can change keywords if they aren’t working for you.

How do you know what keywords to use?

Well, there are free online tools that help you find commonly-searched terms. If you’re just getting started, I like to use Wordtracker or Spacky. Both have a free keyword suggestion tool online. Are they the best? I don’t know and that’s not the point. This is an exercise to get your feet wet…so go. Type in a word and see what related words come up.

Related words are alternate words that you can use that are related to your keyword or concept. For instance, if I sell daisy seeds and want to find the best keywords to use so that people searching for daisy seeds find me, the keyword search tool will tell you other words that were also entered by people searching for daisy and seed.

Here’s another example. Let’s say you sell chocolate. A keyword program can help you find related search words such as:

Chocolate chip cookies
Hot chocolate
White truffles
Gourmet foods
Chocolate rabbit

All of these words are relevant to the original word. You don’t want to attract only the people who type the word “chocolate” into a search engine, you want everyone who types in a word that can be associated with chocolate (is related) to find your site.

Bottom line, you want to turn searchers into paying customers. So, check your keywords with Wordtracker or a similar program to get started.

Ok, so you have your keywords, now what do you do with them?

One tool at your disposal is to name each page of your website with a keyword that is relevant to your site content, services or products. If you name your web pages with common keywords, your page will likely show up higher in the search engine results.

If you have a website, each page is going to have a page name. This is something that is either automatically generated or deliberately named, whether you use a web template to create your site or have a professional build it. For instance, if my website domain is, then the first page that people see when they go to it is really (or whatever the web builder named that page). You could name that index page and that will be easy for a search engine to find and report back to the search results page.

Other ways to use your keywords:

  1. If you write articles to post online, create a title that includes a primary keyword in it.

  2. Create headings in the article that include keywords.

  3. Keyword Density – there are guidelines about how many times your keywords should appear in an article based upon the number of words in the article.

  4. If you create hot links in a page, make sure that the linking text uses keywords. (Linking text is the actual word(s) that people see as a link to another page or site.) For instance, I can write a line of text that says “Click to see my selection of homemade chocolate candies; homemade, chocolate and candies are all keywords that a search engine will return in a results page to the searcher who only typed in the word “chocolate”.

Ok, that’s enough for the first day. I recommend that you subscribe to my feed so you don’t have to check back for the next article. I’m writing here as I learn tips and in addition to my real job. Feel free to ask questions via email.